Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Background of Appius

Appius has been a ward of the Church of Ixion in Newkirk since he was a small child. He has been brought up on the teaching of Ixion. Appius has worked his way through the church starting as an alter boy up to his current station of Acolyte. Appius is highly respected among the clergy for his effort to get every detail correct. When he was called into the high clerics, Janus Kinsley, office for an urgently important meeting he knew something was up. Kinsley explained that a fellow member that showed some promise was sent to the rough town of Diamond Lake to try and start a new following of the teachings of Ixion. He had been there for roughly a year and described the town as a two-religion town. Those who followed Thor, mostly the garrison and some locals, and an extremist group who worshiped Petra. Agustus said he had an idea to raise some money to help start a church dedicated to Ixion. He was going to join up with a group of adventures and explore some local Cairns. That was the last letter we received until Velias Childman sent a letter explaining the Agustus had fallen to his death while adventuring with the group of men. Velias said two of the men worked at the garrison as stable boys and were good men. Their names are Septimius and Primus Perfectus they explained that they encounter a wind trap and that Agustus jumped to a chain for safety missed the chain and fell to his death. They brought the body back for proper burial, but the strange thing is that all his items, money and armor were gone.
Velius Childman explained that he wants you, Appius, to investigate the possible murder of Agustus. Check out the background of the members of the adventures and see if you can deduce who would want Agustus killed and what their motivation was. If it had been an accident the appropriate thing to do was to return the body and all his belongings. Something is going on in Diamond Lake we want you to investigate this crime. Infiltrate the group of adventurers, but watch your back. Send us reports of what you discover. If you do find out it was murder let us know immediately so we can send help to you to arrest the guilty and have them brought back to Newkirk. Be careful rumors have it that the local law enforcement is corrupt. If you need help go through Velius he is a trustworthy man. As for my speculation I would look into the extremist group that follows Petra. It would not surprise me that they may not have wanted a new religion cutting into their following of Petra. Might also be a good idea to find out if any of the adventures are followers of Petra, be careful they might lie about be members. We also want you to continue Agustus’ mission to start a new church of Ixion in Diamond Lake. Good Luck, and may the light of Ixion guide your way.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Background for Sandreus III

Sandreus left home at sixteen to make a name for himself. Sandreus could do just about anything that was presented to him. What made him happiest was singing. So Sandreus would sing wherever he could find work. He was good he could sing the great ballad and a few of his own. But there was something that always bothered Sandreus. For the longest time he couldn’t put his finger on it. One night he was listening to a beautiful elven female bard much like himself. Sandreus then realized what it was that he had been missing in his singing. The woman sang in Elven, then Common and finally in Celestial. It was the fact that she could express herself in three different languages that caught his attention. So began Sandreus’s quest to learn as many languages as he could. With as deep a voice as Sandreus had, he found that he sounded best when his music had a harsh sound to it. The first languages he learned were Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic and Terran. These languages gave his music a hard edge that people found both different and frightening. All was going well until one night in Newkirk a someone informed the crowd that some of his music was Infernal and Abyssal and claimed that he was trying to charm the crowd to perform evil acts. Sandreus found that no one would hire him in town and he was forced to leave. Sandreus traveled to a few of the smaller towns, but couldn’t get the same following as he did in Newkirk. One night while traveling alone he was set upon by a group of orcs. Only through sheer luck did he escape with his life. Arriving safely in Diamond Lake he vowed to never travel alone again. Sandreus found work at the Feral Dog although it wasn’t much he could survive. It seemed the crowd enjoyed the dogfight more than the singing. So he used to music to excite the crowd and amplify the violence of the dog fights. As luck would have it he fell into an opportunity to play at the Able Carter Coaching Inn. Somehow the people there loved his music and Able Carter himself offered Sandreus a somewhat regular gig.
Sandreus still played the Feral Dog. It was at the Feral Dog he met a couple of seedy guys. These guys worked as team pull cons and scams on just about anybody. The nice thing about these guys they liked good music. Sandreus learned these two were Rollo and Drake and that they tipped well if Sandreus would alert them if he saw something bad about to go down. With a couple of favors for the boys they were very grateful for Sandrus’s help.One night at the Feral Dog Rollo and Drake proposed an opportunity to go adventuring with the two of them and some other guys they had meet. They figured since he had been such a lucky charm for them that they would like him to come along. This would also be a good opportunity to meet some real life heroes and write an epic of their amazing feats or maybe just something fun to do.

Background for Drake

Drake was your typical street kid. In Diamond Lake who wasn’t? Growing up alone in Diamond Lake you either end up in the mines or you find a way to get out of town. Drake tried his hand at performing tumbling feat and acts at the Emporium, but Zalamander caught him “borrowing” some money from the customers. She took all of Drake’s money and had one of toughs rough Drake up and toss him out on his butt. Zalamander warned Drake not to ever come back to the Emporium or he wouldn’t be able to walk away the next time. Vowing to not end up working in the mines Drake came up with some scams that the dumb miners would fall for. Drake found the Feral Dog to be the best place to run these scams and was able to squeak out a rough living. If Drake needed a quick score he’d “borrow” money from patrons who frequented the Able Carter Coaching Inn and Lazare’s House. Drake new better than to try anything at The Spinning Giant as the soldiers distributed their own brand of justice. One night Drake’s luck went against him and a merchant happened to miraculously catch Drake with his hand in the kitty. The man turned him over to the authorities and Drake knew this would be the end of his days of freedom. To his surprise the Sheriff Cubbin asked how much money could Drake come up with. Satisfied with the answer Cubbin had one of deputy escort Drake to his money and for the hefty price Drake was a free man again, much to his surprise. Unfortunately most every time any of the deputies saw Drake they arrested him on real or trumped up charges. They usually would confiscate all his money he could come up with and if not satisfied they would lay a beating on him and told him to work harder or next time or it will be worse. Quickly Drake learned how to disguise himself; soon the deputies would walk right past him and not recognize him.
One night at the Feral Dog a young man was scamming a couple miner of their copper. Drake watched this man he was good, but what he needed was partner. Drake stepped up to help out this new man and they connected. The two miners had no idea what hit them. When Drake and his new friend were done they had made about a gold and the two miners though they came out ahead. Drake learned the name of the man was Rollo. So was born the partnership of Rollo and Drake.Rollo and Drake didn’t make a lot of friends, but they did make a lot of money. One of the people they did befriend was a singer who sang cool harsh sounding songs and would watch their backs if any trouble was coming. Another friend they made was a crazy dwarven warrior would was unpredictable and provided lots of distractions whenever he was around. It was this very dwarf that presented Rollo and Drake a chance to go adventuring and make enough money that they might be able to take their two-man team on the road. All they had to do was meet at an abandoned mine office a little ways outside of town in a couple days.

Background for Rollo Mojo

Willa was a street walker in the rough part of the docks. Since she was also a raging alcoholic, she wasn't discriminating about who she'd bed. If they had a few coppers, she was theirs, whether human, dwarf, orc, or even the more bizarre races that would travel through the city's sea routes. This being so, she didn't think long when a tiefling threw down a shiny silver at her feel one cold and bleary night.
A year later, as she bore her bastard child in a rough alley, she wondered who the father was, but it was a passing thought. Really, it could have been anybody. All she knew was that now she bore another burden in her tragic life, and she wasn't happy about it.
Rollo grew up like most of the urchins in the docks, barely educated and mostly ignored by parents and adults in general. It wasn't until he was 8 years old that the first sign of his demonic father's heritage manifested itself.
Late one evening his mother was beating him, as she often did. She was drunk, as she often was. It wasn't worse than most of the beatings, but as she hit him with her strap, something happened. A bolt of pure energy burst from Rollo's hands, scorching the wall of their dreary room. A cold look of sobriety passed over Willa's face, as a vague comprehension came over her. Immediately, Willa thrust Rollo into the street, locking the door. When he tried to come back, days later, the apartment was empty, with no sigh of what happened to Willa.
At first, Rollo made his living as most street urchins do, begging of stealing a copper and living on moldy bread scavenged from refuse. Quickly, though, he realized that he could make much more performing in the street. Using his powers and natural charm, he'd perform tricks and scams in the market places, fleecing tourists and
simpletons of their copper.
Rollo spent the next 6 years this way. The steady(er) income made him a step above a common urchin, and he enjoyed the sense of superiority. However, at the onslaught of puberty, that all changed. While working his regular con, randomly a surge of power again burst from his hands, this time injuring a bystander and breaking a shop window. A small mob of angry townsfolk angrily chased him away, threatening him all
the while. Quickly he ducked into an alleyway and hid in someone's trash
bin. As the angry mob passed, a wizened old gnome appeared in the doorway of a dimly lit shop. Deegan the Alchemist heard the shouts and immediately knew what
was going on. He called Rollo into his shop to hide. After asking a few
questions about what happened, he offered to help.
Over the next two days, Deegan gave Rollo a concoction made from a rare material he called Green Star Metal. He told Rollo that this would help him control his powers (this was not true, but Rollo believed it...). In addition, Deegan gave Rollo some tips and
advice on how to control the energies inside him.
Sadly, on the morning of the third day, they awoke to the sound of a door being kicked in. The city watch dragged Deegan away, arresting him for selling controlled/forbidden substances. Deegan was thrown in a deep part of the dungeon, forgotten by all. All, that is, except for Rollo. Deegan's charity had been the only act of kindness that Rollo had ever experienced. He vowed that he'd help others the way that Deegan helped him.Over the last two years, Rollo has roamed the countryside, experimenting with his powers, trying to do good deeds, and searching for more Green Star Metal, which he thinks will help him control his powers better. He's studied a bit of alchemy and is starting to question whether this is true, but now he's followed a rumor to the mining settlement of Diamond Lake. If there is any Green Star Metal anywhere, this seedy mining town just might be it... And one thing is certain, there are plenty of lost souls here that could use a hand, the way Deegan helped him.
Rollo eventually ended up at the seedy bar, the Feral Dog, where he soon discover this could be the place for him a run his scams and make a few copper and who knows maybe more. It was one of these nights he was running the con on a few miners that a man was watching him. Rollo quickly realized that the man was on to him and all he had to do was point out the con and these miners would dump his body out back with the dead dogs from the night’s dogfights. Just as Rollo feared the man stepped up, but instead of revealing the con he help Rollo pull the wool over these miner’s eyes together they scored close to a gold piece. So was born the partnership or Rollo and Drake.
Rollo and Drake didn’t make a lot of friends, but they did make a lot of money. One of the people they did befriend was a singer who sang cool harsh sounding songs and would watch their backs if any trouble was coming. Another friend they made was a crazy dwarven warrior would was unpredictable and provided lots of distractions whenever he was around. It was this very dwarf that presented Rollo and Drake a chance to go adventuring and make enough money that they might be able to take their two-man team on the road. All they had to do was meet at an abandoned mine office a little ways outside of town in a couple days.

Background for Crag Skullbugger

Crag is not your typical dwarf. For one he is a free spirit who does whatever he wants and doesn’t care what anyone says or thinks. He found at an early age that he was different than the other dwarves around him. Crag has a bit of an anger problem. If Crag had a problem he took care of the problem himself. He usually couldn’t quite remember all the details, but he remembers letting the anger completely consuming him and the power he could feel pulsing through his body. It was these rages that eventually lead to Crag leaving the dwarven home of ancestors and exploring the world on his own. One of the places that Crag found to his liking was the Bronzewood Lodge. Bronzewood Lodge is more or less a huge structure where a bunch of woodsy people go to sing, dance, debate and practice some pagan rituals to some unknown deity of the woods. Mostly it’s a place to crash for a few days and get some food. The person who first invited Crag was an earth guy with a big wolf who went by the name of Kioska. Kioska was one of the few people Crag felt comfortable around at the Bronzewood Lodge. Kioska was a little more understanding than the others when Crag decided to hack a few trees up for fun. Another group Crag met in his wanderings were the followers of Razud. The followers of Razud sometimes called “The Cult of the Green Robe” is a natural loving group who among other interests take care of graveyards in the area. They have a small sanctuary across the lake from the town Diamond Lake. It a nice place to stay for a night or two but they are always preaching about being self-sufficient and take responsibility for your actions. Crag even stayed one night at the Twilight Monastery … never again … makes the dwarves look like a bunch a wild revelers and partiers. Crag has even found a friend in the town of Diamond Lake at the Midnight Salute. Fallon is the only female human who has showed Crag any kindness and affection that he sometimes needs. There is also a cave in the woods that Crag has on a few occasions called home for a night or two.
Crag is always looking to smash something with his Greataxe. It was one of the nights when Crag was drinking it up at The Spinning Giant hoping the soldiers might try and pick a fight with him again, he ran into Primus, the stable boy, who offered Crag an opportunity to kill things and make some money. Crag figured why not kill something make some money to visit Fallon and buy more drinks. All he had to do was show up at some abandoned office outside of town in three days. Crag decided to invite that forest fellow Kioska maybe he’d like to come along or maybe those two tricky guys over at the Feral Dog.

Background for Kioska

Kioska has been a member of the Bronzewood Lodge for as long as he can remember. As a full member he has participated in every ritual, rite, sacrament and ceremony numerous times. Kioska understands the importance or these rituals and ceremonies, but has grown bored by all the proceedings. As such Kioska would take off and explore the vast forest and lands near the Bronzewood Lodge. It was one of these wanders Kioska came across a dead wolf and three cubs. They were obviously killed by some human who cared little of the animals of the forest and their rights to live in peace. While performing the proper ritual given to any animal that has died he heard a muffled cry from the brush. Upon further inspection he found another cub with a severe injury hiding under the brush breathing shallow. Calling upon the power of the forest and his will he was able to heal the little cub. From the day forward Kioska and his wolf Frylock were never see apart. Frylock was exactly the kind of change Kioska needed in his life to keep himself from going crazy performing all those rituals. Another encounter Kioska had that keep things lively was when wandering the woods he meet the most bizarre dwarf he ever seen. Of course Kioska hadn’t meet very many dwarves in his time, but this guy was special. For a lark Kioska invited Crag the dwarf back to the Bronzewood Lodge to stir things up a bit with the elders. That’s just what it did. Crag had no understanding of ceremony and the need for the rituals let alone the debates about the forest and the meaning of nature. Crag had a way of upsetting the balance and order of the lodge. Kioska enjoying anything out of the ordinary found it difficult to keep from laughing every time the dwarf showed up or committed what the elders considered an atrocity to the forest. When the dwarf showed up one time he seemed far happier and energetic than normal. It was at this time the dwarf explained how he was invited to go a killing spree in the name of adventuring. Crag invited Kioska to come on the adventure it would be fun. Kioska weighed the options, repetitive rituals and ceremonies or a chance to go exploring with Frylock. It was an easy decision.

Background for Agustus

Agustus was a devout follower of Ixion. He showed some promise among the new adepts. Agustus received an appointment in Diamond Lake at the garrison. He was told this was a very good assignment for someone so young and that he should be honored. He would be given a room at the Temple of Thor inside the garrison. Agustus eagerly packed his few belonging and caught a coach to his new home. His instructions were to spread the word of Ixion among the garrison and town people and see if you can start a following of Ixion. Upon arriving in Diamond Lake Agustus found two religion already established among the masses. One is an extremist group of worshipers who follow Petra. Their spiritual guide is a bombastic orator named Jierian Wierus. Who endlessly preaches a creed of common sense, honesty, and self-sacrifice encouraging his faithful to give penance by whipping themselves in repetitive acts of self-mortification. The other is, of course, the Church of Thor, of which most of the garrison and a few townspeople were followers. A man named Valkus Dun who even gives his sermons in his Full Plate Armor leads the Church of Thor. Agustus’s liaison was a man named Velias Childman. Velias was incharge of the daily running of the church and any healing the locals might need.
Shortly after arriving Agustus discovered that to create a following for Ixion was not going to be as easy as he had hoped. Those followers of Petra held Jierian Wierus in such his esteem that it was almost as though they were worshipers of Wierus who also happened to follow the teaching of Petra. The second obstacle was that almost everyone at the garrison was such devote followers of Thor it was also as though they were given orders to attend and believe in teaching of Thor. Agustus decided he needed a way to make some money and possible gain some notoriety so that he could try and start a following of Ixion. It was shortly after this realization a miracle from Ixion occurred. The two stable boys, who were not followers of Thor, asked Agustus if he was interested in adventuring. Agustus eagerly accepted and was told he should meet the two brothers at an abandon mine office outside of town in three days.

Background for Primus and Septimius Perfectus

Primus and Septimius Perfectus didn’t have it all that bad. They had a roof over their heads and three meals a day. Of course the room they shared was above the horse stables that they were required to clean everyday. This certainly gave the brothers all the more reason to keep the stables clean especially during the summer months. The stables were just a small part of the garrison of Diamond Lake. The garrison, a former petty lords keep, is now the home for sixty men assigned to protect the areas southeast of the “freecity” of Newkirk. Primus and Septimius were also able to learn a few skills from the soldiers at the garrison. Both Primus and Septimius both became proficient riders, but each enjoyed different activities. Septimius, the older brother, was interested in the tactics of warfare. Learning how best to read an opponent in battle and how to gain a tactical advantage. Septimius was definitely the better with animal having a knack at calming and controlling the horses. Primus, the younger brother, was the more social of the two. He enjoyed performing in front of people having a talent at juggling. He also enjoyed rubbing elbows with the leaders of the garrison. Unlike Septimius who studied the tactics of battle to gain an advantage, Primus believed that a good weapon is what you need to win a battle have learned some skills about making and using weapons in combat from the garrison blacksmith.
The brothers enjoyed all that they were learning at the garrison. Unfortunately the brothers were making no money and even though they worked at the garrison and learned much from the soldiers, they were not always treated as equals. It was these facts that the brother decided that maybe if they went adventuring might make enough money to become more than glorified stable boys. They decided to contact some people they knew might be the adventuring type and out to make some money. So they decided to contact Agustus a Priest if Ixion and the crazy dwarf named Crag who frequented The Spinning Giant, a watering hole favored by the garrison soldiers.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Relationship of the Party

Primus ------- Septimius
(Human F-1) (Human F-1)
[Garrsion] [Garrison]
Agustus ------ Crag --------- Kioska
(Human C-1) (Dwarf Bb-1) (Human D-1)
[Garrison] [Bronzewood Lodge] [Bronzewood Lodge]
Rollo ------------ Drake
(Human Wk-1) (Human R-1)
[Feral Dog] [Feral Dog]
(Human Bd-1)
[Feral Dog / Able Carter Coach Inn]

Monday, December 19, 2005

Composition of the Party

Make up of the party:

Primus Ironius Perfectus Human Fighter-1
Septimius Flavius Perfectus Human Fighter-1
Crag Skullbugger Dwarf Barbarian-1
Kioska Human Druid-1
Rollo Mojo Human Warlock-1
Drake Human Rogue-1
Sandreus II Human Bard-1
Appius Human Cleric-1

Agustus Human Cleric-1 (Deceased)

Diamond Lake Legend

Diamond Lake Legend:

1. The Emporium (Zalamandras Emporium) Offers a variety of entertainment. Three coppers Gallery of Science (freak show). Three silvers gain access to lushly decorated upper floor which feature a large gaming room, an exclusive entertainment club, opium club, and the infamous Veiled Corridor.
Zalamander owner, Gaspar front door attendant, Kurlag bouncer, Shag Solomon, gentleman, Tom Shingle contortionist, Ariello Klint, magician, Chezabet, fortune teller

2. Lazare’s House Relatively cultured nightspot small entry fee. Offers a gaming parlor (mostly dragonchess), conversation, private tables. Two gold to rent game pieces for dragonchess.
Lazare proprietor, Dannath Lazare daughter.

3. The Feral Dog The busiest alehouse in town because there’s no cover. Mostly local miners. Offers two dogs in lethal pit fights. Dagger throwing contests. Bad ale.
Kullen Half-Orc bouncer.

4. Church of Petra Extremists into whipping themselves so sin committed. Preaches to the poor about virtue, best values, creed of common sense, honesty and self-sacrifice.
Jierian Wierus Head cleric, Hameeneezer Managing Cleric

5. Tidwoad’s Jeweler, closest thing to a bank in town.
Tidwoad Gnome Jeweler

6. Sheriff’s Office Six constables living quarters and a 12-cell jail.
Sherriff Cubbin, Deputy Jamis

7. General Store All the basic supplies
Taggin merchant

8. The Happy Gar Claims to have the best food in town
Guld Tortikan Owner

9. Jalek’s Flophouse Former warehouse now most famous of the cheap sleeping places five copper a night.
Golor Half-orc collector

10. Smeck Residence Run down mansion.
Balabar Smenk Mine Owner

11. Deepspike Mine A mine owned by Balabar Smenk

12. Garrison serves as home to the more than sixty members of the Newkirk militia tasked with patrolling the area southeast of Newkirk.
Captain Tolliver Trask Commander, Dietrick Cicaeda Cartographer, Merris Sandovar Chief Scout, Dobrun Trent Lieutenant, Mikkela Venderin Lieutenant, Trovost Skunt Lieutenant.

12a. Chapel of Thor Patron of Justice and Prowess. Most of the garrison’s soldier are members. On the ground of the garrison. Services open to all villagers
Valkus Dun High Priest

13. Lakeside Stables Stable fees 5 sp per day. Run down building but offers horses protection.
Lauch Faraday half-elf ostler

14. The Midnight Salute House of ill repute. Offers everything from the exotic to the downright cheap. Caters to the garrison.
Purple Proe Proprietress, Constance Grace The Favorite.

15. The Spinning Ghost Two-story tavern most commonly frequented by garrison soldiers. Patrons consider themselves to be honest and friendly.

16. The Captain’s Blade Arms Dealer specializing in masterwork melee weapons.
Tyrol Ebberly Weapons Dealer

17. Venelle’s Arms Dealer specializing in missile weapons
Venelle Weapons Dealer

18. Allustan’s Residence Home of the local wizard. Will answer question for 20 gp per question.
Allustan Mage

19. Tilgast Resience Estate of Gelch Tilgast one of town’s mine owners. Owns a well maintained stables and will stable and care for horses for 1 gp a day.
Gelch Tilgast Mine Owner

20. Old Piers All the remains are a few rotting piers and some mast from abandon boats that have since sunk. Only two boats remaining Autumn Runner owned by Durskin (1sp/person) and The Harkness (3 sp/person).
Harkness Boat Owner

21. Able Carter Coaching Inn Rates are 1 gp per day, Stable services 5 sp per day. In addition the Inn offers coach service to any of the local towns and cities.
Able Carter Owner, Fester Trollump Trapper.

22. Parrin Residence Home of Luzane Parrin owner of one of the mining companies.
Luzane Parrin Mine Owner, Amelliante Maid.

23. Greysmere Covenant Home of several dwarven representatives from Greysmere.
Dulok Blitzhame Representative, Galuth Grobadore Representative, Bitris Ruthek Representative.

24. Gansworth Residence Home of Chaum Gansworth one the mine onwer.
Chaum Gansworth Mine Owner

25. The Rusty Bucket Once famous fish restaurant has since change over to land based cuisine.
26. Moonmeadow Residence Home of Ellival Moonmeadow manages of one of the mining companies. Has lived in Diamond Lake longer than anyone else. Also home of Ellival’s lieutenants all Grey Elves.
Ellival Moonmeadow Mine Owner.

27. Osgood Smithy Manlin Osgood blacksmith of high quality and his seven appretises. Specializes in masterwork armor and household items.
Manlin Osgood Blacksmith

28. Smelting House Only smelting facility in Diamond Lake. Cause of most of the pollutants in the lake.
Vulgan Durtch Chief Smelter, Benazel the Alchemist.

29. Diamond Lake Boneyard Usually watched by green-robed acolytes.

30. Neff Manor Home of Governor-Mayor Lanod Neff.Is constantly adding room to his huge mansion.
Lanod Neff Governor-Mayor

31. Dourstone Mine Owner by Ragnolin Dourstone one of the mine owners.

32. Abandon Mine

33. Menhirs Old worn ring of stone often visited by druids and rangers.

34. Old Observatory Once a astrological observatory for an order of monks.

35. Dourstone Residence Home of Ragnolin Dourstone on of the mine owners. A squat clean manor.


The Isle of Dawn is the contested territory that stands between the Empire of Thyatis and Empire of Alphatia. About a 1500 year ago the Tholians inhabited the Isle of Dawn. Their territories fell into disarray and they were struggling to survive the harsh condition of the land. It was at the time Alphatia came in and conquered the Isle of Dawn helping them establish trade and technology to help them survive. 500 years later AY 998 (2 BC) the first great war between the Empire of Alphatia and Thyatis began with the Isle of Dawn as the battlegrounds. Over the next thousand years both Empires have controlled fairly equal parts of the Isle. As such several parts of the Isle have a heavy influence from the Thyatian, Alphatians and Tholians. One such town is Diamond Lake.

Diamond Lake is located three day southwest of the Free City of Newkirk and between the towns of Steaming Springs and Blackstone. Diamond Lake has a population of a little over one thousand residents. Until hundred years ago Diamond Lake was a small thriving fishing village. That was when the first Iron and Silver mines began producing large quantities of ore. Over the next few decades the pollutants turned the crystal clear “Diamond” lake into a polluted foul smelling lake unable to support fish. So ended the peaceful fishing community of Diamond Lake and so began the dirty violent mining town of Diamond Lake. It is said that most resident of Diamond Lake fall into one of two categories: those with nowhere else to turn and those who have come to exploit them.

Six competing mine companies currently run Diamond Lake’s mining community, they make alliance and turn on each other if it can turn a profit or give them an advantage over the other owners. Balabar Smenk, human male, arrived ten years ago from Newkirk and has bought out four other mine owner to become one of the most powerful men in Diamond Lake. Chaum Gansworth, human male, the youngest of all the mine owner runs the most cautious and smallest mine company. Ellival Moonmeadow, Male Elf, called the “The Prince” since he is of minor nobility. Ellival has the monopoly on silver mining and believe himself and his elven contingent to be better than the human mine owners. Gelch Tilgast, human male, until ten years ago was the largest mine owner in Diamond Lake. Luzane Parrin, human female, her husband mines started to falter over the last decade and then two years ago her husband died mysteriously. Luzane has run her mines to the best of her ability ever since. Ragnolin Dourstone, dwarf male, arrived 50 years ago to open his mining company. Ragnolin has several mines in the area, but his Diamond Lake mine is his most lucrative.